Traveldok Is available 24/7/365. Quality care is only a call or click away. You will receive a call back from our doctors in 16 minutes, on average. Now that’s access to care! Resolves many of your medical issues. 90% of Traveldok members resolved their medical issue with Traveldok. Unlike nurse-run call centers, Traveldok doctors can diagnose, recommend treatment and suggest medication when necessary. Our national network includes the highest quality U.S. board-certified doctors, licensed in your state. Traveldok from home, work, or on vacation. Compare that with taking a day off from work to sit in a waiting room. Traveldok costs far less than urgent care or ER visits for non-emergency medical care. It also qualifies as an expense for HSA, FSA and HRA accounts.

U.S. Board-certified

U.S. board-certified in internal medicine, family practice, or pediatrics. Licensed in their respective states. When you call Traveldok, you will always speak with a doctor licensed to practice medicine in your state.

Experienced & Verified

Average of 10 years of practice experience. Verified through the National Physician Data Base (NPDB) and the American Medical Association (AMA) for medical licensure, training and education.


Traveldok doctors are credentialed every 3 years, with NCQA provider credentialing standards. Traveldok is the first and only telehealth / telemedicine company in the US to have a provider credentialing process that is certified by NCQA.

U.S. residents, Telehealth specialists

Living and working in the United States. With specialized training in talking with patients and diagnosing over the phone and with online video, while adhering to our set of 130 proprietary, evidence-based.

Easy Sign Up and Everyone Qualifies

U.S. Board-Certified Doctor. On average a doctor will call you in 16 Minutes.

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